

  1. Title – Type the title of the survey.  
  2. Question – Type the question you want to display for your audience.
  3. Type – Type the options or choices you want to display for your audience.
  4. Use the dropdown and select the type of choice:
  5. Single Choice – the user can only choose one answer to the question from the list of choices.
  6. Multiple Choice – the user can choose as many of the choices as they wish.
  7. Text – allows the user to type in a short answer.
  8. Textarea – allows the user to type in a long answer with multiple lines.
  9. Dropdown – allows the user to choose a single answer using a menu that drops down.  (this is typically used to save space in the survey)
  10. Add option – add additional options or choices you want to display to your audience.
  11. Add Question – add additional questions to your survey.
  12. Create – creates your survey


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