If a user has entered as a viewer, you can promote their role to the moderator role or demote a user from the moderator to viewer role.
Moderators appear in the users list with a Square [1] avatar icon while Viewers appear in the users list with a Circular [2] avatar icon
Use cases for promoting a viewer to a moderator include:
Use cases for demoting a moderator include:
To promote a viewer to a moderator, select their avatar in the users list and choose promote to moderator.
The viewer avatar should change shapes from a circle to a square to indicate they now have moderator status.
To demote a moderator to a viewer, select their avatar in the users list and choose demote to viewer.
The moderator avatar should change shapes from a square to a circle to indicate they are now a viewer.
To kick a user from the session, select their avatar in the users list and choose Remove user.
Removal persists for the duration of the session. Specifically,
For example, if a student joined through the learning management system (LMS), they would be unable to rejoin the current session through the LMS. The same applies to a Personal Rooms link or Guest invite link.
The removal is only for the current session. A removed user can still join other TokBird Live sessions or the same session again if restarted at a later time.